SBE CHAPTER 28 MEETINGS: Our meetings are
generally held on the third Tuesday of the month, normally
beginning with a Pizza dinner at 6:00PM. Read this month's
online newsletter for exact time, topic, and location.
Our meetings are open to all interested individuals, whether members or not. There is no admission charge. ABOUT MEETING PRESENTATIONS: If your company would be interested in presenting a program at a future meeting, please contact our Chairman, Chris Tarr at (414) 427-1966, or Program Chairman Ron Pellegrini at (414) 297-7611. INTERESTED IN SBE MEMBERSHIP? If you would like to become a member of the Society of Broadcast Engineers, please send a message to the SBE National Executive Assistant, Debbie Hennessey. She will see that you are sent full particulars about our organization via US mail. You may also download a copy of the membership application from SBE.ORG, the SBE home page. If you would like information about the SBE Certification Program (which is available to non-members) please direct a message to our Milwaukee Certification Chair, Rick Ryan, or to SBE National Certification Director, Megan Clappe. IF YOU ARE INVOLVED IN BROADCASTING AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY, YOU BELONG IN THE SBE! |